Sunday, September 12, 2010

Take a Sec

whether you're last
Or coming in first
you always TAKE A SEC to look back at the competition
and when you do
you realize you're in a good position and see that all your hard work has paid off
and just because your in a good spot
dont ever slack off and under estimate your competition
whatever you do always remember to TAKE A SEC and

GATORADE..always there, every step of the way for the 2010 NYRR Bronx Half Marathon


Black America

America. "Land of the free and home of the brave." Or is it? Even when the Emancipation Proclamation was passed in 1863 slavery was still going on. Although slavery abolished in the Union states of America until the late 1860's, we still see the differences from race to race. Now is this a state of actual freedom? With major cities over populated by minorities and a black president running the show, this is now known as BLACK AMERICA.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Than Just A Jay-Z Lyric

"Inspired by Basquiat/my chariot of fire...."

Jean-Michel Basquiat is way beyond a Jay-Z lyric. Not the first time Jay-Z mentions Basquiat....and all the mentions are well deserved. You wonder what a hip-hop artist like Jay-Z has to do with a Neo-Expressionist painter? Click the jump to read more..
Often revered as one of the greatest African-American painters of all time started off as hip-hop as they come. Started as a graffiti writer, Basquiat found his medium. Writing SAMO, he caught fame early. Basquiat, soon fell victim to drugs and died in 1988.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Dashingly Rare Find

Here are a few images from a shoot done with's very own Vicky Hermy. In this she styles a few outfits with her own DeeRare twists including this vintage Calvin Klein vest from 1994.